Dave Burrows.com Technical Evangelist

Dave Burrows Technical Evangelist, see below for my Blogs

http://photos.daveburrows.com       http://blog.daveburrows.com

About Dave
Dave is a keen photographer in his spare time and has extensive backgrounds in Computer Programming, Technical Support and Quality Assurance. 

Dave comes from a very large technical background, he commenced programming at the age of 10 writing computer games and computer game protection systems.  Dave started on the Commdore Pet and moved onto the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, ZX81 and Atari ST.  Dave over the years has programmed countless games, programs and databases before taking a full time career in Information Technology.

In the 1990's Dave spent his time boosting his already vast technical knowledge of Personal Computers by carrying out Technical Support for Computer Manufacturers, Network Service Companies and Global Insurance Companies.  Dave has managed PC's and Servers running Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, Windows NT3.51, Windows NT4, Windows 2000.  Dave managed a large server farm of over 100 servers across 3 continents.

In 2000 Dave built his single largest product which was the birth of Pocket GPS World. Pocket GPS World took Dave's technical experience into a new realm and to new heights with Global Satellite Navigation programs. Dave brought on board a team to manage the day to day management of writing reviews and kept true to his roots which was to make his reviews completely impartial and provide the best reviews on the internet.

In the first half of the decade, Dave spent his time continuing to manage large server web farms and trained at the SANS Institute in 2002 and passed the GSEC Qualitification for Computer Security, Security in-depth and Penetration Testing.  Dave's dissertation can be found at the SANS Institute.  Dave moved to a GPS Retailer and continued to utilise his knowledge, building websites, managing the companies infrastructure and providing product reviews.

In 2004 with Pocket GPS World taking up not only all of Dave's spare time, but also encroaching heavily into his working life, Dave decided to sell his share in Pocket GPS World to the remaining team members and to take on full time employment with a SatNav software company.

Since 2004 Dave has continued to use his vast knowledge and strong technical background to manage a strong team across multiple continents, managing the Global Support and Global Quality Assurance teams and to help shape SatNav into the next era.

Dave loves everything technological, and always puts his heart into everything he does. 

Dave has also written articles and reviews published in a number of mainstream publications including Jaguar XK Magazine, CompuServe Magazine and SmartPhone & Pocket PC Magazine.

Dave Burrows

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